A dragon siege. A daring escape. The quest to find the dragon slayer.
The fire bell clanged, brimstone thickened the air. In the mists of the early morning there it lay the spine and tail of it, in and out of the water, a great worm. The dragon's shimmering body curled around the island castle to sleep, trapping the inhabitants.
In the center of the chaos one young girl escapes, down the shaft of the privy, across the scorched land hoping to find salvation for her beloved family.
Soot smudged her cheeks. Ash dulled her hair. Faint with hunger, Mydlenlass arrives at the village with the cry, "Where is he, where is the who can kill a dragon?"
How long can her family survive? How far is she willing to go to find the dragon slayer? lick here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.