Or Drabble, Sudden Story, Micro Story...
I recently joined a writing challenge where you had to write 250 words using five special prompt words chosen for the day. I groaned. Why did I start this? But it is a challenge, so I was compelled to stretch my skills and maybe learn something. And I did, that I love this thing called Flash Fiction. It's been around a while. Made popular in the 19th century. The best well-known piece is Ernest Hemmingway's:
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
I'm a bit wordier than that, hence my hesitation over 250 words. Ahh, but to tell a story with so much meaning in six words? Later maybe. But I realized how useful it is in writing. Making your sentences more impactful, less fluff, and straight to the point.
Flash fiction runs true to story structure: has a beginning, middle, and end. I guess it runs anywhere from 1 sentence to 1000 words. It's my new writing exercise to aid in building the people in my world of Glædlond. Drabble. Maybe I'll keep calling them my Drabble stories.
Tune in next week. I have several done up but need powerful titles. That's my next challenge.
Have an amazing week, Jess
PS: Let me indulge in a speck of shameless promotion, Arrow of Ebbadane is out on Amazon in eBook and paperback...hardback is coming soon!
PPS: I'm messing around with the way this gets sent, Hoping for a gentle easing into your inbox—no bullhorns, you're welcome.
I forgot Hemingway wrote that. It's an amazingly powerful piece; to provoke such thought with so few words! Flash fiction intimidates me, too. 1000 words is WAY shorter than I realized! haha