When I tossed the idea around in my head whether to self-publish or go the traditional route the big deciding factors were: I will have to market my book myself and I have no idea how to find an editor.
I kept writing on my book and researching publishing options. Eventually, we decided to jump in and go rogue, "Chipps" style. Those who know me know our family's diy history of successes and messes. Why not keep to tradition, I reasoned a Chipps tradition and be an Indie Author. Sounds pretty cool anyhow.
Hurdle number 1: Finding an editor was only nerve-wracking because I made it that way. It was fairly easy, thanks to Upwork and Reedsy, where I found plenty of people waiting in line to straighten out my words. My manuscript is fresh back from the editor last week, and I cannot wait to polish my book up. This was an enormous step and investment for me.
The big hurdle #2 is marketing. "Hey look everyone, I wrote a book!" was NOT something I ever wanted to say. I had romantic visions of creeping about behind my carefully selected pen name and maybe after I became a hot item on Amazon I would reveal, with a modest blush — to a select few, that I was actually a published author. But like everything else in my life, I need my friends and family. For support, understanding, and help.
I was not particularly excited about the broadcast, but it was something I needed to do. I have to do my own promotions. I'm not a good salesman, Why can't my book just be there on a shelf and look attractive enough to buy? But with thousands of books being self-published every day, my tiny contribution won't have even a glimmer of a chance to get in the light unless I do some promotion of some sort.
So someone asked me yesterday what I was writing. If you want to watch me stutter, stammer, and beat around the bush: ask me that question. I need to stop thinking about what you may think I would be writing about because the fantasy genre sounds so, er, um, overdone and has a lot of ungodly connotations I don't like to be associated with. I act like I'm embarrassed. But when I started talking about filling in a gap with interesting, non-fluff, wholesome reading, I got excited! I can focus on my target audience: You are my target audience, with the exception of course those of you who don't like fantasy.
At first, it was just for me, and what I like to read. But I believe that my book may be something that you would enjoy, too.
So here's to all the future shameless plugs I'll make asking you to check out my book! If I get spammy, please forgive me while I balance marketing and sharing, and I do believe I have something of value to share. It's all in my lap now to get my book out there. I've got a lot to do and still a lot to say!