Today is the last day for the free digital download of Bloom of Beorg on Amazon! It was a huge success! I hope to get some feedback and more exposure as I lead up to book two...which is coming along very nicely!
I'm here today to tell you that the sales aren't quite over. I have a few author copies that need signed and could be yours for $12.99 plus shipping. I am currently using Paypal to accept payments. All you need to do is:
Email me at or visit me on my Facebook group: Song of Glædlond or my Facebook author page: Jess Cippian and message me
I will need your email for Paypal
Your home delivery address
And any specific person you would like me to sign the book to

The sale will be open until the end of February or as long as long as supplies last!
Hope to hear from you soon! Have a wonderful day!