Can I say what a relief?!
For a hot minute, in the middle of formatting and this and that, I came really close to throwing in the towel. We barreled through and swallowed every hiccup along the way.
It must not have been too damaging: I am two chapters into Book 2...
I still have a hard time wrapping my head around what goes into a book. My sister, and many of my friends, are known to spend hours laboring over intricate details of a dessert. Only to be gobbled up in 5 minutes flat. Guilty guilty. And that is why I make quick sweets with proportionate time preparing to eating. In relation to making a book, I contradict. I am willing, apparently; willing to spend a year preparing just so you can inhale it in 6 hours.
That's ok, it's sort of like a have your cake and eat it too, Grab a book, it won't go already is as bad as it's going to get. Read it when you want and take as long as you want. You can even throw it if you want and it won't make a mess. And when it's done: I saw on Facebook these cute tabletop Christmas trees you can fold the pages into, so they can even be repurposed. I think in the long run it may be worth it...I had so much fun writing this book, I hope you will enjoy reading it.